Posts tagged grief
Crap, I'm going to have to rescue myself now

I look both ways, left, and then right, and left again, checking to see if I could find a gap in the traffic across the four lanes of Evans Avenue. My helmet was looped over the left handle bar, held in place by my left hand gripping the handle, my right hand holding the back handle of the scooter, behind the saddle. That’s right, I was not astride the scooter, but rather next to it, crossing Evans on foot.

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It's been a minute...

So please, as my friends and supporters, know how grateful I am for you, and how much I love you. Please accept my humble thanks and apologies. I am not convinced this is the nadir of my grief, so please hang in there with me a little longer. And once my dad’s “closing date” is upon us, I hope that all your kind offers to feed me and wine me and help me will be gladly accepted, they mean so much to me.

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A Cocktail and a Song

Today was more emotionally charged than the days have been for the past few weeks. This morning, I found myself tearing up as I was going southbound on I-25, driving to work, listening to Dolly Parton’s (and Emmylou Harris and Linda Rondstadt’s) rendition of “After the Gold Rush” and regretting that of all days, today I’d decided to put on eye makeup.

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