The first post...

So I've been talking about starting a blog about food, and have begun a moderate (okay, minimal) amount of research of what a good blog contains, and hoping that one day I will be plucked from obscurity and a movie will be made about me. Fame aside, I saw a lot of really well-put together, well-written blogs and found myself feeling like I was nowhere near being ready to start blogging. Do I have the writing skills? What would be my edge? What is an SLR camera? Do I even have the right photography skills? To say the least, I was very intimidated.In the name of research, I picked up 2 food-related magazines tonight at Whole Foods to peruse while I cooked my dad's Chili recipe. As I flipped through Bon Appetit on the subway home, I was sucked into the world of food, tabbing pages for dishes to make, restaurants to try, and figuring out how I could get myself to the Italian coast as soon as possible. Arriving home super-enthused about the world of food, I scarfed down leftover pizza from Lombardi's (it's true, I basically held the two pieces, one in each hand, standing over the sink, and ate them both in about 3 minutes) and started on my dad's Chili recipe. I love this recipe for many reasons - it reminds me of my childhood, its easy (and cheap) to make, plus it's delicious. However, in the 5 years I've been making it, it still has yet to match the quality of my dad's. So tonight I decided to write down how I made it, including any commentary along the way, and if it turned out better than the last batch then: success!! It was at this point that I realized that this was part of my own food experience, something I could share on say, a blog, and why should I let a total lack of blogging knowledge stop me?So voila! Here is my first blog post. Please bear with me as I figure out how this blog thing works, and hopefully this can evolve into something, and not my own rambling stream of consciousness!!!